Black and White became GREY

Cyberbullying A few days back, I was scrolling through Instagram and came across the recent post of a famous Telugu anchor. She was having the time of her life with her family on a beach and was very generous to share glimpses with her followers. On any day, I would just swipe up and moveContinue reading “Black and White became GREY”

A tale as old as time

Storytime It was a festive occasion, and a gathering was planned nearby.Permission for girls always comes at the last minute and lasts only a few minutes.So everyone from the hostel rushed as soon as they could. We Indians never miss a moment to break into a dance, and our young blood definitely knows how toContinue reading “A tale as old as time”

Happy Women’s day

To all the men Men!I love Men.They have this superpower to make women happy (not only sexually) with simple gestures. No matter how much self-love is practiced or preached, in the end, we humans, freeking social beings, are attention and appreciation seekers. (I am talking about 80% of people; if you are in the restContinue reading “Happy Women’s day”

The B-RAW Conversation

Hey! Meet me – BRASilly me…! Do I even need an Introduction..? Me – Yaah! You have to. Even boys do read my blogs, who may not know you. B!– Haha! Stupid girl.Not only do they know me, but they love me.Sometimes, I wish I was in the men’s clothing line instead of you self-obsessedContinue reading “The B-RAW Conversation”

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