School of thoughts — Conflict?!

Currently, I am reading ‘The Art of Living‘ by the Roman times philosopher Epictetus from 55 CE. The translator, Sharon Lebell, finds his philosophy relevant to modern times and presents it as a gist of instructions on ‘How to handle life.’ I consume self-help books at a slow pace. So, reading 2 to 3 pagesContinue reading “School of thoughts — Conflict?!”

Dear MEN!!

It was a calm, sunny day when the radio played advertisements while I was packing my school bag. Reading this description, do not take your thoughts back to the ’70s; it’s happening in the 2000s, and we relied on the radio as our TV has yet to shift from our hometown to this new placeContinue reading “Dear MEN!!”

Love and Death

Random thoughts Aren’t love and death strange concepts! We human beings, let me correct selfishly- beings, find comfort in our loved ones’ presence that we put our guard down. We love someone to the extent that their happiness becomes yours to enjoy and to console them in their sadness, a responsibility. I recently watched AContinue reading “Love and Death”

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