How impatient are WE

A small poem, a take on how I see impatience all around me.

Early days

Right from childhood, very well nurtured,
Dreaming and spending most of the time in the future.
Wanna be all grown up soon, I thought I was looking ahead,
Now that I am, it feels nothing but a dead end.
How impatient are we- to grow up


I saw you once, and I saw you twice,
Everything felt so refreshing and nice.
My dear love, you are my soul mate.
Was the biggest lie I ever told, and now I curse my fate.
How impatient are we- to fall in love


All the TIME

Waiting in line takes a long time
Throwing garbage everywhere feels like no crime
From dosa mix to maagi, pasta to noodles getting everything instant,
Social media and binge watch are cool, which just reminds me of the point
how impatient are we – All the TIME.

Suiting to the situation

Once in a lifetime, we get this chance,
To just relax, sit in the home and do some dance,
On account of lockdown, everything is shut down,
Why are you going all around the town, behaving like a moron?
How impatient are we- NOW

Thank you, My Captain, for giving the prompt: How impatient are we!
A small Poem.
– Anusha Velamuri

When Words turn Swords

A small anecdote, try to be empathetic…!

25 year old virgin is that clear,
Sex is the word which I only see and hear.
From the beginning waited for my dream boy,
Thinking about him will make me all coy.

It’s already too late to find my love, so planning to love the man my parents find!

All my desires and my hopes,
Tied to that man with an invisible rope.
Initial days of marriage were very mysterious,
Accidental touches and hugs made me more curious.
Why wait for a big day when I can make it now,
With all my confidence, said I wanna make love.

with all pure love I opened my arms,
not a knife, even a slap
his words were enough which did all the harm.

Offering me to him, thought it would flatter
But his instant words had me shattered.

After that time whenever he touched,
it wasn’t like I was loved only just fucked.

-Anusha Velamuri

well that’s the end.
summing it up- when the women went to his man she loves and wanted to make love she was called slut and EXPERIENCED which instantly broke her heart into untraceable amount of pieces a deep scar on her pure heart.

Its the boldest thing I have ever Penned may or may not be a write content for all.
Want your empathy towards the content than a like or share this time.

This is how I fell for HIM

A small tale which I will be telling to my kids and grand children. That magical moment I will always be embracing it

అప్పటి వరకు నీ గురించి చాలా విన్నాను,
నిన్ను చూసిన ఏమి అనిపించలేదు.
ఎప్పుడు నీ గురించి ఆలోచించించేయలేదు,
అందరి లానే నువ్వు, అందరిలో ఒకడివి నువ్వు అంతే.

కాలంతో పాటు అన్ని మారుతుంటాయి.

మళ్ళీ మనం కలవాల్సి వచ్చింది
ఒక రెండున్నర గంటలు నిన్ను చూస్తూన్న,
మదిలో ఏవో ఆలోచనలు, ఎక్కువ శ్రద్ధ పెట్టానే లేదు.

ఇవాళ్టికి ఇక సెలవు అని బయలుదేరుతుండగా
ఎవరో నన్ను పిలిచినట్టు ఎందుకో తిరిగి చూసాను.

ఆడుతూ పాడుతూ ఆనందంగా నవ్వుతూ కనిపించావు
యధావిధిగా ఆటో ఎక్కి ఇంటికి వచ్చేసాను.

ప్రేమ పుట్టడానికి ఒక్క క్షణం చాలు అని అంటారు
ఆ క్షణం నుండి ఇప్పటి వరకు మరియు ఎప్పటికీ నీ అభిమాని

I love you❤ Ram Charan ❤


Aug 14th was the date, watching Maghadheera with so much surprise filled in eyes, walking out of theater with joy stole a glance with him while he was dancing for end title song (anaganaganaga) and just like a normal thing i walked of

I don’t know why from that day My favorite Hero is you, happy birthday Ram charan.

An agri-student ” PROPOSAL “

Come- on Anvesh, days are nearing if you miss today she will never know what she means to you

College life of an agriculture student has 2 farewell’s one is so obvious final year one and the other is after 3rd year exams where everyone is parting ways for
R.A.W.E.P ( Rural agriculture work experience Program ).

That Beautiful summer evening bringing all my courage together, walked towards her…

Suma, I always want you to tell this I LOVE YOU.
(after confession unable to read her expressions)

Confessing love is toughest thing I guess

Suma – ooh, Is it ? tell me What is the PARTHENOGENESIS of your Love towards me???

Anvesh INNER voice – whaaaatttt? 🤔parthenogenesis Wait let me recall….”Its the time gap between the first entry of pathogen and show symptoms “
so she mean when my feelings towards her have started ??? shit man..! 🙆‍♂️
well, will answer in her style only.

Anvesh- I don’t have an X- ray vision to know everything about you on first sight, I fell for you slowly part by part all this time.

When my life questioned me with YOU, instead of keeping side headings like advantages and disadvantages, I felt like writing a never ending COMPOSITION for all the pages existing (life long).

Suma- I know very well about boys. First you say its definitely a self pollination (sticking to one girl) and slowly start cross pollination (start seeing other girls too) and finally show self- incompatibility (dump me).

Anvesh inner voice- Holy shit she is talking as if she has done a survey on boys

Anvesh- Oh my god Suma, even the smallest FUNGI has a very large classification, don’t you think we boys can have a wide range one.
Coming to my case, if I wanted a FACULTATIVE (for some time) relation with you, I wouldn’t have waited this long thinking about how I feel towards you.

I can promise you that I will have an OBLIGATE (life long) relation ship with you

Suma- okay..fine …but……

Anvesh- wait wait let me finish this in your style. Please let my Love as a HYPHAE into your heart which will grow as a MYCELIUM all on your heart.
My love…..(gets interrupted..)
Wait let me finish this

I couldn’t hold back after waiting for you all these years.

Anvesh- Okay let me give my finishing line where you should tell your feelings – My love may not be always as colorful as SOIL SCIENCE but I will definitely try to make it wonderful all my life

OKAY DONE…. now tell me…. I LOVE YOU

Suma laughingly…..NO No NO…I won’t say….
blushing with a smile Anvesh gets her into a hug


This stuff was written after attending back to back PATHOLOGY classes in my 2nd year thats why it sounds so cheesy and amateurish
ya, I was and I am a LOVE BUFF.

❤ Love comes in any form…….No reasons required.

Do share with all the agriculture students..👍

Learning to make Memories

Putting a piece of my heart out

Basically, I was a kid who is so enthusiastic for no reason, whenever it was time for any competition or there’s a need to perform I always wanted to be the best

Usually in childhood whatever you do is perceived good which built a pseudo confidence in me it would be not so childish of me to accept the fact so instantly

FUMBLED IN THE RACE and lost myself

First I was in denial phase,then arrogance where I convinced myself all these competitions are for normal regular people and I am far above it so, take a chill pill.

Well from that time I distant myself from participating in all competitions

It took few years to understand how stupid I am. By that time- I lost my confidence, stage fear start to grew and I will speak only what I am prepared for but lost the sense of being casual on addressing a forum.

Seeing my downside started analyzing What probably went wrong?????


when I look back, I was always desperate to win but no one ever taught me how to handle a failure. constantly drawn to popularity never took competitions as a platform to learn, explore new things, meet new people.

2.Over confidence

There will be thin line between being confident and over confidence. Time and time you need to check in which zone are you are try to correct as early as possible, which I realized way later

Image result for overconfidence gif

3. wanted to be JACK OF ALL

As mentioned earlier, Over enthusiasm makes you do things which your worst enemy do to you. The adolescence age makes you feel you are the best which is good but at the same time you think YOU ARE only the best.

Either you wanted to be best in what ever you do or not

but when you grow you understand there is nothing wrong in not knowing anything, nothing wrong in being imperfect my friends it was the point where I started growing

4. WHAT others Think of me

To maintain your insecurities, boost your alter ego we come up with strategies which casually convinces us one such thing encountered by me – a NEED to maintain a good Perception about me among the people I surround with.

They should not think I am a failure which made me stop trying new things at a age which was meant to do mistakes and learn from them.

After Breaking from egg, everyone adored the cute larva but started to give less attention when I turned to be big ugly looking larva which made me pupate for years. Finally I broke my cocoon Now I a may not be a beautiful butterfly But still I manage to fly

Now I have grown up, understanding the purpose of competition, Trying each and every new thing which life is throwing at me, wanted to make as many MEMORIES as possible.

Love the ADRENALINE Rush I get before doing something crazy and I hope I regain myself in this journey.

This BLOG is for all the pseudo introverts or to sound nice SEMI- introverts – ”Opportunities don’t come to you, its we who need to grab them”

Anusha Velamuri

Changes around ME

A blog post is a definite thing you expect on this auspicious day – INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’s DAY.

On such a good day being full on optimistic instead of Whooping on WHAT NEEDS to be done , I will be telling you the changes I saw in women who all are in my life.

pic courtesy-

There need not be an inspiration drawn from people who have achieved a lot, just step back and see around everyone gives you something to learn.

With this motivation lets dive into the blog………

1.Empowering themselves

Money Food given to a person may serve short term needs, but Education will help you for a long term.

For what so ever reasons like – avoiding marriage, less clarity on future or even ambitious ones, took up HIGHER studies. Crossing the boundaries, spread all over the country , making themselves strong, learning by experiencing.

Diving into the ocean of knowledge

Few think ”Whats the point in studying if they want to be just a HOUSEWIFE at the end.”

Don’t worry even I was like that but the thing is Education always give you confidence to lead life, encounter any situation with courage.

2.Working women

With growing expenses its no more the old days situation where one bread winner could handle the family. Women pulling out themselves to work giving priority to their careers trying hard to strike the perfect balance between professional and personal life.

A huge shoot out to all the working women out their, you are no less than a warrior. Each of you have a story which is Untold and stays as such.

3.Wanna live life in their own WAY

This may sound so normal but for women whose decisions are already made boundaries are drawn , it takes a whole lot to be the way she is.

Be it a marriage decision, exploring the world, to as small as wearing the dress they like.

4.Work is all they know

Finally them, oh god what should I write about them…..! Even at this age they are working bring the same enthusiasm every day. I am glad that colleges are taking them and allowing them to do the work which they want to do.


The food cooked by men may be tasty but what is made by women will be full of pure LOVE.

Women around me realized we have a voice which need to be heard may be not by the world at least by ME

Anusha Velamuri

Because RHYMING is FUN

There are few people okay many people who cant be rebellion nor be stay peacefully in ignorance.

For Example – If you are struck in a boring class / workshop, don’t worry lets try to make the most of this time by self entertaining and building a rhyme song.


Sharing you my first ever Rhyme song

“Well, its a DAY
a Bright sun RAY
in the MAY
I wanna SAY
to my BAE
lets just PLAY
with the CLAY
I want you to STAY
but on the WAY
found a TRAY
in some STRAY
of color GREY
in hands of a GAY
which is just OKAY
lets just say hip hip HURRAH

If you want to listen that in my not so beautiful voice you are welcome to click the link below

When situations gives you stress , lets not Mess…!

Anusha Velamuri

Far from home in an other State

I know that problems are all round the corner but in the title itself it carries two “FAR from home” and “other STATE”. Going through the situation recently, thought why not blog it out .

India being such a diverse nation” – was the statement that i always came across my Social textbook but this was the time where I face it. Even though we all are from same country, uniqueness in culture language traditions makes each state an another country. Sometimes I feel like how could we all stay together???

Oh my god lets not raise such questionable questions and here we go

1. Building a ‘WE’ group

Internet and any other technology advances can happen but our basic human tendency to seek people will never go (hope so – should not go). As soon as we go to college/ work place of a new state we seek who all are from our state and start to build a new home away from home.

2. Everything is interesting

Soon after stepping out of our nest like state, We try to embrace all the the new things we come across. Visit new places, collect the information browse all the web of ‘must done things of that place‘ and enjoy the newly got freedom.


Every state adds a new language to your resume list. Its exciting to learn new and also fun to talk your language so loudly in-front of all who just stare just like you gaze at them when they speak their language so fast.

ENGLISH will be your best friend for a while and for the first time we will be proud of learning it.

Having linguistic barriers, a neglected similarity still exists which is – we all share same BODY language which does most of communication for you in the unknown State.

When you are done with all positive things then enters the tough time where we have to adjust, that times when realization hits you saying “you are not here for a trip but to stay


I think everyone starts missing their home when they had a BAD FOOD DAY. Cravings for the most commonly cooked meal, which we hated to eat at home starts. With these online deliveries it may take some time to have that bad food day but its definite to happen.

5. RESTLESSNESS / negativity

This may not be experienced by many but a few emotional people out there may go through…

When every thing goes well it feels like you meant to be here but on your rough day, when you can’t even share your irritation with anyone, share your stress in your own mother tongue, With all people surrounding you still makes you fell alone.

That the toughest thing of this part of staying in other state I guess.

Whatever may be the situation good one or the bad – constantly keeping the mind on your purpose of visit, making most from the days you stay in this new STATE.

Things you should know before taking up the AGRICULTURE Degree

After completing my B.Sc. Ag with the little knowledge and a greater experience I have, penning down this article. Hope this is helpful for the freshers, refreshing the thoughts of others who have been through it.

1.A job is ready for you is a MYTH

Whenever you mention that you are going to pursue the agriculture course, with the little knowledge everyone has gives you confidence like-soon after the 4th year all the company HR’s / banks / Government jobs will be waiting outside the gate of your campus and take you.

HAHA…! how funny guys, it doesn’t happen.

Its true to certain extent where a person with B.Sc. Agriculture can enter a wide range of sectors from Jobs to MBA, but it cannot happen over night a lots of preparation to crack them as every one has an entrance exams written by thousands of others too.

So choose what you want to be, Plan properly and start working. Cant say from 1st year but at-least by 3rd year.

2. A “LOT” to study.

When I say a lot means I seriously do mean it. Its general tendency to generalize everything. Like when we say Engineering we assume them to be working with computers but in reality there is more of it.

Similarly agriculture has wide range of subjects dealing with various things – Agronomy (cultivation), Genetics ( breeding, biotechnology), Economics ( ya don’t be shocked), Statistics, Extension and many more.

A special mention for Pathology and Entomology where you have hundreds and hundreds of scientific names, symptoms and diagnostic measures. I think by this time you got an idea what ‘A LOT’ mean.

3.Exploration ( Not the world but Insects and Plants)

As a part of practical every one has to submit Herbarium’s of weeds, diseased and insect symptoms of total which is of your faculty’s favorite number (may be 20, 30 50 or even 100).

”INSECT BOX”- every agriculture students night mare . Walk from field to field, apply different strategies to impress tiny cutie insects which will fetch you marks. Bring them back (rear it our pin it) and decorate the box as a BRIDE on her day of wedding.


4. Labour work

“Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds”

Study and exploration were not enough now comes the field work which makes your calories burn with free unrecoverable SUN-TAN. Weeding will be patented work for girls and boys help in doing all other farm related works ( land preparation, bunding etc.).

5. Still UN- POPULAR

After going through all this, still many people out in the world doesn’t even know a degree exists for agriculture. Every time you meet some one (outsider) need to explain and the chances they understand what we do are still low just like our GDP.

Even after all this , when you really understand the purpose of the course, role you gonna play in changing and transforming the agriculture from then there will be nothing that can stop you.

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