Realization from Goa trip

Goa is a dream trip for all the bachelors who are reading this blog and a few aged ones who made plans in their bachelor days and still take some time to plan but never make it.

Ya, Goa is cursed in a way, I guess,
Elders say – ‘A certain pilgrim place needs to call us, to witness its divinity,’
I guess the same goes with Goa too.
This place holds some magic and charms everyone in its own way yet makes you feel it’s your way of life.

Luckily things fell perfectly into the places for me. The plan, which was made for the first time, got approved after a week of discussion, amidst covid and being an ‘All-girls trip’ to notoriously famous GOA.

The plan’s success does not lie in the planner’s hands or the participants; it’s the parents who get half of the credit who set aside their fears and allowed us to go. Followed by the extended family, swooping another half of the credit who didn’t fill our parent’s ears, scare them and push back their fears on them.

And then, just like the sunshine, we four girls made our way to the most fabulous vacation of our lives.

After reading the title, you may wonder Realizations that too in Goa
Lord Buddha got his enlightenment in Gaya, Since when Goa is doing that,
Well, it hit me in a different way.

Helping hands

I knew Goa has a floating population, but I didn’t know half of the Telugu-speaking people will be found floating over there. It was nice to instantly connect with people only based on some language we speak.
When we are in a good space, we meet healthy people, and that’s what happened to us.
Not only them, everywhere we could connect with some people, from shouting Jai Balayya in a random shack to holding hands in the infinite ocean, showed me glimpses of compassion that I never experienced.

It made me think

With this covid lockdown, we all stayed home; I attended my college work and often read articles about how this shutdown could hit the tourism industry.

As soon as I read this, the only people who came into my mind were the people owning hotels, and I used to think if people could own a hotel, they might possibly have enough money to survive this.

But Goa, as a tourist destination, feeds so many people. It’s not the suffering of just hotels and resorts; there are thousands of people who make money on the beach only by selling stuff such as phone pouches colorful lights and encash their skill by braiding tourists.

After I visited Goa, I felt damm how could this place has survived the lockdown ?
It strengthened my feeling that life is not easy for someone in this lockdown.

Unexpected one

To all the people who read my blogs, mostly my friends, think of me as a bold, strong-minded, outspoken one. There is nothing wrong, and I am unapologetic about it as I showcase myself to the outside world. Over time I practiced being like that.

The first two days of my Goa trip, where I was mostly on land, I was the strongest than ever; the third day, when I walked into Doodsagar while walking on stones, it’s when it all started to go upside down.

The thought of me slipping on those stones and getting hurt was haunting me, and once I stepped into the water, I guess in those 2 hours, I said 200 times that please hold me or else I will die, and I was constantly checking on my cousin as I didn’t want to lose sight of her. The next day being in the middle of the ocean scared me.

I assure you it literally scared the shit out of me (definitely not a figurative one, thanks to the toilet available on the boat).

As humans, we all are scared of death, but I never realized I would be that vulnerable in water, and this realization made me weaker than ever. I don’t know how precisely to put how I feel, but I sense I felt less confident than I was after the Goa trip.

The fact that I am so scared may be scared me, I guess.

But all the readers, who are mostly y friends, also know that I am the most optimistic person. I will be working back on my confidence, and who knows, I can come back stronger than ever.

That’s it from my Goa trip.
I am happy that this trip happened, which actually gave me a few good display pictures for the rest of the year, I thought. But, my cousin’s marriage is popping up, so it will be time for another trip and lots of memories and experiences.


A promise was made, with whole heart, to stay together through thick and thin, highs and lows.

The heart, which was locked inside a chest and dumped deep in the ocean, now walks out on the floor barefooted, vulnerable yet protected with a magical spell called love, mutual respect, trust that we built together.

Though the spell was invisible, it was rock solid in composition, making us the dream couple for our friends and relatives.
Hand in hand, hours of conversations, losing the sight of time while resting in arms of each other which feels like the world’s safest place, I was in love.

They said time fades love, priorities change, and 10 years later, when I was in the deadliest silent room walking closer to him, my heart ached.
With trembling feet and shaking hands, I saw him lying wrapped in the soothing color of the world- white.

To calm my rising heartbeat, I had to shout out all the pain the visuals were causing right now.
If the saying “Walls have ears” is supposedly true, I am sure they had turned deaf for this lifetime.

Losing your loved one is the biggest punishment the universe can ever impose on anyone. It makes you handicapped without even losing any of your body parts.

We had a 70 years plan, where few said it lasts for 7 lifetimes.
And today, he passed away in an accident, leaving me all alone with his memories.

A year later, a few solo trips around, I met a friend staring at me, wondering how I survived his loss?

The feeling of love is so everlasting that sometimes you don’t even need the person around you to feel loved.
In this uncertain world, facing crisis after crisis feels like being on the verge of end, with losing humanity and increasing trust issues
A thought that “I was once loved” is worth living this life.
Until the next one,
I will survive

Lets give them some S P A C E

Isn’t it evident that when a young adult pen down a blog with the above title, she is all set to complain about the nosy, meddling Indian parents?

NOPE! It’s not happening today!
Hear me out!

I have this routine, where I call my parents at 8:45pm after my dinner and talk all about my day and listen about theirs. And I won’t feel bad if I skipped a day in the middle when nothing good had happened to share or when not in a mood to talk.

My mom recently got hooked on a game show hosted by the famous celebrity (her favorite), which will be aired from 8:30 to 9:30, followed by some other show which interrupts our daily schedule call.

Unaware of that, I called her as usual, and as any normal individual, she spoke half-heartedly but was kind enough to call me back soon after the show. And the cruel me who just didn’t get undivided attention started bragging about – “how she doesn’t have time for me.”

She tolerated it for two to three days and later casually stated -” Don’t I understand when you say you are busy ?” Yes, I feel like watching the show, and she will find some other time for me. She was unapologetic about it (and she shouldn’t be too).

It is when I realized how I was needy, clingy, depending, and demanding, forgetting the fact that my mom has a life too. When she said that I couldn’t take that as it was the absolute truth, it hit me very hard.

After giving thought and observing my friends for a while, I felt it was the parents who needed some space from us.


Walking out of the MESS, by the word mess, I mean the place where food is served, I was welcomed by the October rain. It was pouring down, having no mercy on plants in the field, animals of the street. So, screw me, Sinners can’t have it all.

Luckily I have it all prepared. Well, a sinner has to look out for her back.

I opened my umbrella and walking down the path, carefully watching my steps all the way. It was muddy, stony, watery, slippery, and can keep on adding adjectives.
You know that the sky will be the limit when we set our mind to describe the MESS; by mess, I mean dirty and nasty conditions.

In my alone times, I invite my thoughts to give me a company to end up writing a blog about them.
This time I was thinking – how nice an Umbrella is?!

Unlike a RAINCOAT, it is not too clingy and choking you to death. Once you put it on, all you ever wanted is to remove it or wish the rain to stop.
Even after that, it gets difficult to dry it thoroughly and store it for subsequent use.


The umbrella also doesn’t take you away from reality like a CAR.
Classy from the outside, Suffocating from inside.

How nice will it be to be a person like an UMBRELLA – Real, Easy, and most importantly Comfortable.

Always holding hands, protecting the loved one through sun, rain and snow, and always waiting for you so that you can finish your job and be with it again.

Things I had to do to get to you!

SRF – entrance exam

It’s always tough when you are evaluated, and exams in a student’s life are not passing but a constantly chasing cloud.
You know why it is challenging; after evaluation, you will be labeled, and you tend to believe it is your worth price. The more marks, the more you are valued.
Competitive exams are not new to me. To date, I have faced 5 such situations.
For the 1st time, I didn’t even know it was such a prestigious exam. The 2nd time I was underprepared, and for the 3rd time, I was technically ready but not psychologically. By the 4th time, I made it and loved prepping for an exam. I understood the USP of the exams, like how I should approach it, preparing myself for the best and worst.
I hoped the 5th time would be the charm, my entrance exam for Ph.D. – SRF (wow, writing this sentence giving me goosebumps)
Here is a glimpse of my life, what all I did in this past 1 year to get it all.

Social media Management

Social media has so much to offer that I have to learn to live with it rather than eliminate it completely.
By February or so, I realized that I have been using Insta ridiculously for so much time. So as a first step to tackle this situation, I set up the time limit, which restricts me to use it only for an hour a day. It was a grand success; I lived by the rules didn’t alter the settings.

But having Insta right after unlocking the screen made me tap it every time, even though it was just for a minute. If I worked for an hour, I was instantly dragged to it. So as the second step, I had to remove the icons away from the display screen, which I did, but I quickly slid screens and reached it to have that instant fun.
It was when I had to come up with a new strategy, “Insta Free mornings” – tap into Insta only in the evenings, after dinner. It felt good and worked. Now even though I have those icons in front of me, the urge to use it definitely reduced.


A good plan is essential. When I say the plan, it’s not long or short term, It is planning day-to-day activities. While prepping for JRF, I learned that balancing is the key.
So it was clear that My day should always be a combination of Research + SRF preparation.
Skipping one and concentrating on the other will definitely cause problems.

With all the self help books and motivational video one of the basic thing I understood is to journal your day priorly which helps you to have efficient excecution.

Have a glimpse of my daily schedule-

Hold ON –

After social media, it is our content sources – Netflix, Hotstar, Amazon prime. Insta kills your time on a minute basis, but here they are movies and web series which take hours and days of your life.
Of all OTT’s I feel Netflix is a whirlpool of content that just pulls you and holds you there.

I stacked a whole bunch of movies and series starting from Crash landing on you to Shershah and Navarasa. A good thing is that I didn’t feel like I was missing out on something or even as a punishment. It was a conscious decision I made for myself, and I am proud that I stood at the bay when the whirlpool.


In a moment when my research was going nowhere, and all the people around me seemed better off, moving forward in their lives – I was diagnosed with mild anxiety.
All though for a second, I thought breathlessness may be due to covid; eventually, I figured it was a psychological problem.
It was when I wished to have a disciplined life where I could spend some time with myself for my body. I started to exercise for 30 mins and do breathing exercises for my lungs.
I don’t know whether it helped me physically or not. Still, psychologically it gave me confidence that I am not in some kind of rut.

Tried wierd stuff

Detox for 12 hours – To have a healthy brain need to keep the system in control and flush the toxins out of the gut, so I tried to detox myself whenever I was not having productive days.

4:30 am schedule – Randomly found a video in youtube where an ex-American military cadet starts his day by 4:30 as a habit of his training sessions. He mentioned, “starting the day early makes him feel as if he has a headstart compared to rest of the people in the world.”
This actually hit the string and followed it for a while.
And, I liked it.

Sticky Notes – Staying motivated is very important, so these notes remind me that I am doing good and have to do more.

If I write this after the results, it would simply be a success or a failure story. But, I want it to be a beautiful journey.
This was not the first exam and definitely not the last one.
So, cheers to many more preparations,
cheers to self-awareness and,
Definitely cheers to the pursuit of Knowledge.

Are Parents Angels or Devils?

Disclaimer : An Intense one
Just think about this.
Don’t judge it.

Suppose you straight away labeled them as DEVILS. In that case, it’s sure you haven’t recognized the kind of sacrifices they make on a daily basis just to satisfy our (child’s) ego.
If your tag was ANGEL, then I am sure you never differed in opinion with your parents. Congratulations to them, who have successfully conditioned you according to their belief system. Try convincing them on something utterly wrong that they firmly believe in, like No Caste discrimination, Dating, etc.

Well, the trigger point for this blog was –
With juniours getting back onto the campus post lockdown, many parents came off to drop by. Not only helping in carrying luggage, few parents even cleaned cycles spoke by spoke for their kid who can use it for the college from tomorrow.
Which made me question – WoW, When did parents become slaves to their kids?

And the other minute, my friend canceled a trip, stating – My Parents won’t allow me to go! WHat??????!
For God’s sake, the child is fricking 25, and her parents still control her life.
This led to another question – When did the parent-child relationship become a business?
I feed you, love you, and buy you all the stuff, and all you have to do is dance to my tunes.

Devil and Angel moves of Parents

That was for starters. There are many such cases. Let’s start with mine.

I am 24, and I still get pocket money from my parents (Angel move) when all my peers have started earning. On the other side, I have friends who want to settle down/choose courses and a study location according to the family’s breadwinner (Devil move), even when they have varied interests and clarity on the future.

Devil and Angel moves of KID

Even when parents are rubbing their ass off to support their kids, a minor economic inconvenience frustrates the child (Devil move). Contrary to it, I know a parent who does annual shopping for his kids (Don’t get the age wrong when I say kid, they are above 25), not considering the likes and dislikes of the wearer.
(Definitely its an angel move by a teenage/ adult child)

It may seem petty family issues, but it leads to a bigger question: “When did Parenting join under this GIVE and TAKE policy.”
Google says – A parent is a caregiver of the offspring in their own species.
Then when did the monarchy of parents started?
Why is it happening that way??
Why is it getting hard for the parent to understand that their child is an individual of their own and Their task was to nurture, support but not demand and extrapolate!!

Why is it getting hard for the kid to understand that their parents are imperfect in many ways and support them when needed?

It could all be brought down to one phrase as “Keeping them on the pedestal.”

The way we are brought up highly influences the person we become and our relationships later in our lives.

A kid who was kept on the pedestal wanted everything in his way, thereby, grow up to be inconsiderate of partners wishes and when ending up with kids controlling their lives.

A kid raised by a parent who stood on the pedestal assumes – it is the way of living. Keeping the key of their lives in other hands and raising their kids to be the same.

And the Infinitum loop goes On and On and On.

Forget the old gen; it gets to my concern when this generation’s parents follow the same pattern.
Not only that we are screwed, even after realizing we were raised like shit, we are all now set to screw another generation
That’s so disappointing

Can we ever break free?

Well, I have some solution in the end for all the problems, but this is such a huge generalization to make I want to end up asking.
Are you an angel or devil?
Do try to be either, Just be a considerate individual.

Stupid things of my Undergrad days!

Strictly an Agristudent post.

I am an Agriculture Graduate.
It still surprises me to think – why did I choose this degree?
I was born in a town and brought up mainly in a city, no way connected with any farming activity.

It’s not a mandate that you should do what your father was doing, but don’t you think all our actions are somehow based on what our parents do, or at least the way they do?
In that sense, it wonders how a girl who never saw a paddy field end up studying BSc. Agriculture.

Keeping the irony aside, I passed my undergrad day where you do so many dope things that kind of seem stupid when you look back.

Here I am writing a blog to the world, telling how stupid I was – See, how dope!!!!

Deficiency or Disease, it doesn’t matter.

One semester or the other, we will have the herbarium submission. This info is for non-agri students. My Agri guys just need the title to have a sweet laugh.
It was a day we were taken to the Maize field, one thing the topper announced was that the leaves have some purple discoloration which could be a symptom of Disease.
That’s it!
The entire class started tearing the leaves that had purple streaks, which could also mean phosphorous deficiency. This continued for a moment where everyone started collecting for themselves and the friends of other batches.
Do you think we dropped the leaves then and there when we realized that it is not a diseased leaf required for a pathology herbarium?
You guys know the answer; why do you want me to tell you everything.!
Story – 2
A nematode-infested carrot field gives forked (bifurcated) carrot tips/ ends. And to our luck, carrot grows into abnormal shape when there is some blockage as in stones, hard crust of soil too.
That’s it now; all the weird-shaped carrots were labeled as nematode specimens.
But this time, we didn’t get lucky; all the specimens went straight into the dustbin after inspection.


And many more to it – One with the mango leaves, one with the crawling living red insects,….

Variations in the insect box.

Along with herbarium, another huge aspect is submitting the INSECT BOX. Lets just leave aside those people who go overboard and submit the extras, too, and wish to have another box issued.

During my 1st semester, I didn’t even know how to stick the naphthalene balls in that box. Being a day scholar, the best and worst part is that you need to figure out everything by yourself.
The required number was 30 insects, and I have only 14 or so. One of my friends promised me to give a mantid (An agri student knows how big a deal is to have that in the box)


Being huge, it occupies more space, I thought, okay! I may be having less, at least the box looks complete, and the massive insect at the center will steal the hearts of the invigilator.
But why do things always end up being stupid?
As promised, I was given that insect with Head lost, body translucent with hind legs intact mid legs gone and only with one foreleg.
Instead of dropping/replacing it, I pinned it in that very center.
Desperate times needed desperate measures.
And the stupidest explanation I gave for it was – I kept this with an intension that forelegs of preying mantid have particular concern than the entire body. So please ignore the exisiting state.
Can you see the dopeness!!!

A big breeding Joke.

Another field visit to Maize. As an ideal mediocre student, I was sitting under the tree at the back when we got some time to relax.
One of my friends suddenly got interested in understanding the parental lines (A-line, Bline, homozygous, heterozygous…hfff) and popped a question:
How can we make the maize lines male and female??

Should I be quiet?!!
May be I should, but nope, I won’t!
I had to prove my dopesity (dont search for the meaning because it doesnt exist)
If you want a female line remove the male (which was right, and I should have stopped there); if you wish to have a male, remove the female. Simple!

It may sound logical to all my non-agri students. Still, a person who has clarity on the concept – knows that to have a male line, we don’t need to remove anything and just let it grow. The tassel grows on top, which need not be protected.

In contrast, a female at the bottom can get pollen from any tassel (male pollen) on the top, so to protect our female, we detassel (remove the male) it.
You may have lost the joke with all the explanations, so let me repeat it and twist in the tale- This stupidly confident answer was given out so loud when my Incharge for the field visit, the faculty of Genetics, was right beside us – Remove the female if you want male and vice versa for the other SIMPLE!
That day I could know I can make the people drop their Jaw (unintentionally..DOPE!!)

Hoping to fall in Love.

Academics aside., Let’s step into my personal life.
I guess now everyone is interested. So nosy of you guys!
The college is a potential place to find Love.
Movies I saw, stories of Seniors, relationships of my friends, everyone and everything had created an image, this fictitious story very well written, and I fell for it.

I was stupid to think I could find a man in a college full of boys.
I kept imagining various fairytales, which made me a good writer but nothing more than that.
If I were an element, I think I would be the alkali metal (s- block element)
It usually has only one electron (unpaired) in the outermost shell, like the boys of my life, ready to be lost/ leave me, making me INERT.
WAAAH…! What an analogy, right?
I, too, liked it.
Well, this was the gist of it.

Was I even more stupider?
But given the time, do I want anything to happen differently?
Nope, all that makes me who I am. The more confident, stronger women.
Well, If you insist,
May be
I will ask for a boy/ love story.
(See, stupidity never goes away).

Like it if it was relateable, comment down your experiences and Share this with all your agri-mates and relive those moments.

The Financial Talk!

We all want to be rich, right? And I am no different from you. 
Instead of searching for quick money, wanna know what I am looking for?
“Financial Knowledge”

As a first step towards it, I have started reading financial books – “Rich dad Poor dad,” “The psychology of money.”
Guess what happened
Instantly I understood all about Investment, took Demat account, started investing, trading, and now own billions of rupees.

I wish it happened in that way.
Contrary to it, I fail to understand any of the stuff. 

I knew I should take baby steps to this investment world, but my lack of money and growth mindset making it tougher to build knowledge.

I decided even when I can’t walk, I will just stand and hang in there. As in, following the people who speak about investments, who make learning finances fun, monitor my accounts, save with whatever small amount I get, read more about money.

As part of this journey – The first financial advice I understood was Insurance.

I quote the Unknown – “No matter how much money you make, how many stocks you buy, if you can’t attend your life emergencies, it would be useless. So, first get yourself INSURED”.

It’s true right, no one can deny it.

My friend’s recent experience with COVID, where she regretted her decision of not getting her parents insured, reaffirmed the importance of Insurance to me.

Shashank Udupa – a financial specialist, whom I follow on Instagram, was unfamiliar with insurance clauses and stuff (see, we are not alone in this), so his friend brought to his notice about a website – Ditto

It has an in-detail explanation about – What all stuff you need to look over in insurance,
if at all you have one 
What are the Pros and Cons of it?
All this for free, to give people awareness.
Even then, if you have an issue in understanding, you can contact the displayed phone number for a personal touch.

Today my parents got insured under a plan which we are aware of all the terms and conditions.

I believe that, we can be rich by collecting money, but to stay rich, you need knowledge.
Having people doing stuff for you, make your life simpler, but being aware of your finances is a basic necessity.

To all my friends and young reader, let’s talk finances with our parents. Check whether we are insured or not? if Yes, what are the provisions we can rightfully claim or receive under it.
Happy financing!!

The possible explanation!

For Part I – Click on CLICK

It is yet another calm evening. I was sitting on the same balcony in a beanbag, enjoying the sunset, which had a cool breeze that kisses your cheeks and rolls over to your hair, making your curls dance in tune with the air.
Holding a coffee mug, I was wondering, well, it was one of a kind nostalgic evening which took me back to that day which you all wanna know about
That night after a series of shocks, I was taken back to my room while everyone was having their dinner. They asked me to clean myself and get ready.
That day I showered nearly for an hour; more than the water, I was drenched in thoughts, precisely, questions. Am I really doing this? or Is it a game played by my subconscious mind as a dream bringing all the weird parts together?
In this confusion, I was happy atleast the guy looked nice. What did he say his name….? ASHOK…ha Ashok, he seemed nice.
A small smile crawling on my face making my heart ponder a little bit fast. Slowly it turned to a panic attack with a mere shock that I will be getting married tomorrow.
I came out and saw my mom sitting on the bed, realizing now that I came out its the best time to explain all the stuff.
Srujana, as I said earlier that we met your dad’s friend, your uncle. He saw your horoscope and told that you need to get married within 10 days or else
or else…
The prophecy states that – If not in 10 days, it will be life-threatening for the entire family whenever you get married.
Seriously, you are making me sound like a cursed girl; why is it like that?
First, listen – I understand, it is so much for anyone to take in but trust me. Even though we are rushing for the marriage, let me clarify we didn’t run for the groom.
We know him for years, he is your uncle’s relative just go and talk to him then you can have a change of your mind.
She said that and left, sending my cousin to wrap me in a saree and parcel me to the terrace and have a life-changing, mind-blowing mesmerizing chat with him.
When I reached to rooftop, he was already standing there showing his back to me…hmm, I curse myself for wishing to see his face.
He turned around, knowing my presence, and smiled to which my face could give only a blank expression.
Seeing his smile lost into the darkness, I sighed – How could you even smile at me? You don’t even know me a few hours back.
Hey, don’t be hard on yourself; you are not that bad for me to not extend a smile to you. Ashok was laughing at his own joke, so proud of his timing, but dude, it is a wrong time for jokes.
Okay, Srujana, answer me something – Are you in love with someone?
Don’t hesitate, anyway your parents are in a rush to get you married in the next 2 days, so now is the best time.
Me – No!
He – Good for me.
Apart from being it all of a sudden and, You don’t know me well, are there any other reasons you consider an issue with this marriage?
Don’t you think they are enough reasons? I answered angrily.

Let me set this clear – the two reasons I stated earlier are more facts than statements. Another point is you will be getting married to me tomorrow, So I can’t change any of that; the only thing in our hands how you want to take this relationship further.
I understand your misery, and I don’t wanna force this relationship on you. Your parents think that you can’t get married in the future, so it’s your only shot.

Even though we are married, let us stay as friends, get to know each other. You can stay with your parents, finish your studies, do whatever you want in your life.
After that, if you feel like you are burdened by this relationship, we can apply for mutual divorce.
What say?
Me- What else can I say? Who is this man? Though I am spellbound with the confidence and clarity in his speech, he planing my life felt so weird as I have never thought of my life this further.

I was making my mind after he tried to convince me in few other ways, we chatted for a while, and at the end, I asked – Ashok, you know we (me and my family) don’t have any option other than you! What’s your reason for getting married to me? You don’t have to rush into this?
He threw a smile at me and answered – Yes, you are right, I don’t have any reason…Shall I tell you something – Reasons are for the people who are not ready for it, as I am ready for marriage, so my only question is WHY NOT?
And he walked down the stairs.
Its been 4 years after that night, and I still remember it so clear, which make it evident what a remarkable experience was for me. Today I am remarrying Ashok, my dearest friend with whom I fell in love. He gave me a new perspective on life – WHY NOT? that shaped my career.
Unlike the first time, a direct marriage with no other events, with only a few relatives, photographs with hesitant and sometimes no smile, I want to enjoy every second of this remarriage as it is not only a chapter of my life its a welcome for new life.
Our baby girl – Ashna

The end

Thank you for reading.
Untill I reach you with my next blog, take care.

Into the World of FAMILY MAN.

I am a big movie buff. I consume content like a dry sponge near the water. So when a rocking series is out there, and a prime account is paid by my brother – Why wouldn’t someone watch FAMILY MAN. 

This OTT and Web series culture is new to us. Till now, all the stuff I watched are completed shows (which may be true for most of us). We cant add the suspense of an incomplete series to our issues of life. Family man was one such edgy series.

Disappointed with Mirzapur Season two; family man 2 had this status in my mind – I will watch it to finish what I started, but not a series I was looking forward to. The season 2 – and I was like, Just Wow! It was the literal meaning of setting the bar high.

Here are my few realizations and thoughts after watching it.
I know it’s a bit late for this blog to come out. No issues, just read and reminisce the epic!

It’s all in Conviction!

We, the supreme human species, are just a bunch of intelligent machines that work based on the beliefs taught to us. There is nothing good and evil in this world. Your belief system is all that matters. The more you associate with narrow things, the more you become vulnerable and dumber we grow. 
Being flexible and open to new thoughts is so important.

Flexibility takes you forward, whereas rigidity leads to death.

Felt by I

I can’t do it, I guess!

Growing up as a normal girl in a small family, the utmost sacrifice I can do – limits to my family only. So it always wonders how the police, army people just go out, leaving their families risking everything. 
I still can’t find an answer apart from keep on wondering.

Relationship Stuff

I was so desperate for love. When my friends are getting into relationships I was an immature adolescent, patiently waiting for the knight, constantly disappointed with me.
Yet, I didn’t get one which is a separate issue, though.
At that time, I read somewhere – You can’t love someone when you hate yourself.
Seeing Suchi’s character was a visual example for it. Her constant guilt and discontentment made all the conversations she was having with her husband negatively turned to fights.

So, Loving yourself, being in a HAPPINESS state of mind is important for a relationship – Point to be noted.

Guns are bad – Yaa, I mean it!

Not that I had been in a gunfight or saw anyone as such. The movies had made that clear without having any real experience. One minute you aim in a direction, and Boom, a bullet strikes you from another end. In a situation of massive sounds, you should fire at people and simultaneously not get killed. That’s a lot of work and presence of mind that you require.

My fight between Rationality and Love!

This is the problem I am facing since I started seeing the OTT content. With these season-long journeys, you fall in love deeply with a character, and we don’t want them to die. If at all in a fight scene, if everyone is gambling with life and surviving, your rational mind questions it.

Hmm, my prayer list to keep the characters safe, at least ALIVE, keeps on increasing.
I already Lost Munna Bhayya; I can’t lose J.K.

Love for country!

We all love our country. We are associated and being recognized by the place we belong. As civilians, we are not demanded to show our patriotism all the time, at least not keeping our life at stake, which makes us take all things for granted.
Diplomats are working to stop wars from neighbors, analysts sensing all the weird stuff, linking North with the south.
In a darkroom, While I was watching the finale episode of Family man seeing a bunch of people risking their lives for National security, I felt maybe someone, in reality, is doing such stuff out there.

All I could do is be more responsible, be a good citizen and make his lost life count.

To all the family man’s out there, BIG SALUTE

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