Annamayya – Rewatch

Classical Telugu movie – early age Biopic of Annamcharya

Instead of using the term re-watch, it could be said as a first proper watch. 

Wow! Just now, while writing this sentence, I realized that this movie ‘Annamayya’ was made in 1997, which is my birth year too.

In the process of sorting my life, I have recently deleted/signed out of my Netflix, Amazon, and Hotstar accounts. But on such long and lonely weekends, I had to rely on some source of entertainment, which made me choose Youtube. 

With the trend of premiering cult classics Telugu movies in theatres, I had this tremendous urge to watch the Jalsa movie yesterday. Today craziness went to another level, so I decided to watch Annamayya.

100 days poster of the movie Annamayya
Annamayya: The movie

There was no intent to write any blog while that decision was made. But, when a few cords struck, the blogger in me awakened; as a result, you got to have a peek inside my brain and read my thoughts.

Is Monogamy (single partner only) a root cause of jealousy?

Premise: In the movie, Annamayya will be in a relationship with his uncle’s daughters (2). Some time into the film, all three are in a song – giggling, dancing, and romancing.

Man! That’s crazy. Watching them so happy as such, I just went beyond the movie and questioned- How that woman is delighted when her partner is getting romantic with the other woman right in front of her. Isn’t she jealous?

I read that in the olden days, we were polygamous (multiple partners), and to re-assure that we also have a few Indian Gods with two wives.

I would be jealous, hurt, and walk out of the relationship as my partner prioritizes someone else. He does not love me back the way I love him.

Wait a minute, is it called LOVE when I expect something in return? Maybe she is the one who knows what true love is, showering without conditions.
At this point, I realized how Monogamy is rooted in my nerve. and who taught me this – Society???! (I need to think on this)

SPB – One-man show

As this was a long movie, and I watched it earlier, the audio would be enough to give me an idea of what the screenplay is going on. So I took my speaker with me and did my chores listening to the movie. Man, SPB voice is the unmentioned lead character of the film.

In a runtime of two hours twenty-seven minutes (147 minutes), songs occupy 65 minutes (What the holy hell moment), sung mainly by one and only man, SPB. Whenever I think of SPB, I remember my mom saying about him. I quote ‘ Background songs ante SPB” – translation – He could be used as a synonym to the term background songs meaning no one can beat him in doing better with a background song.

As if the job was not done excelling in the song category, he impresses you with the dubbing of Lord Vishnu’s character, played by actor Suman.

A lot of new terms

Watching traditional old classic movies, you get to know a few new terms of your very own mother tongue. In a certain way, I liked the concept of movies, even more today, as they can document and present the way of life of an era.

Few terms: Agamyagocharam – Confused stage, Aalinganalu – Hug, Lulupu – slight anger (correct me if I am wrong)

Left with Aww

There is no marriage in two Telugu-speaking states where the bride enters the ceremony without this song “Pidikita talambrala pendlikoothuru”

Mark my words and also this is something my mom also says constantly

As soon as the song came up in the film, I was like Man! Annamacharya, you wrote this song. Four to five centuries passed, and it’s still around the corner. What a fantastic piece of work, right? (timeless).

Few other songs, ‘Brahman okate para brahman okkate’, ‘Jo achutananda jo jo Mukunda‘ (a sleep-time song must be sung by every mom to their babies), ‘Vinnapalu Vinna vela vintha vintha lu‘..and many more of just 32,000 songs he wrote.

Annamcharya: The great devotee
Annamcharya: The great devotee

Here I am, who gets tired after working for a few hours straight. Well, that would be the story of some other blog.

My laugh moment

Premise: Annamayya is a regular boy next door who cares for his parents and loves his beautiful girlfriends. After a moment, when Lord Vishnu decides it’s time for him to start his spiritual journey, he takes him to the real, utmost beauty in the world, which is the idol of Lord Vishnu. With overwhelmed feelings, he just faints in the temple.

Suffering from fever for the next few days, he wakes up. The next minute, he starts singing songs about his dream about god and just gets detached from this world, which worries his parents.

I was like, man, they have every right to be worried. Imagine I wake up tomorrow and start singing songs like him, my mom would go crazy, and we would both be joined at the asylum.

Overall, it felt nice. Lately in my life, I have been listening to a few podcasts about history. They rigorously mention how documentation of activities started in the past 10,000 years, but the earth existed for a million years before it. We don’t know anything about the way of life before, and archeologists delve into this all their lives. This piece of work as a movie could stay and educate people like us about the remarkable life of Annamacharya for many more years coming.

How much of a patriot am I?

Flag of India
Tiranga of India

It’s important to question things in life. It makes you think, seeks answers, forms opinions, and questions them again. It makes you rational to act compassionately rather than impulsively. Makes you flexible and open to having new thoughts.

With independence day around the corner and circular regarding the essay writing competition – ‘My Tiranga My pride’ I started to question myself, as titled on the blog.

You all know that I love ‘love.’ So, patriotism is also love, but instead of obsessing about a person, it would be towards the country – unconditional to the point where you step right away to defend it.

I wish being a patriot was as easy as crying to a movie based on armed forces. Because I do that pretty well, from the movie ‘Border’ to the recent one, ‘Major,’ I did an excellent job at feeling empathetic and filling buckets with tears.

This is the only closest thing I got about me being a patriot.

Damm Man! Should I feel bad about it?
I don’t hate my country – will that count as patriotism?
There could be a million wrong things happening with it, and I choose not to crib about them – is that act patriotic enough?

I was raised in a family who said – ‘study well, work hard, and make your parents proud.’ Never had a bedtime story about the independence movement, nor had any discussion with my friends about our favorite freedom fighter.

Our National anthem – Jana Gana Mana, was just a song in my daily prayer at school. Stories of the freedom fighters were only important 5 and 2 marks questions regarding the slogans they used and fill in the blanks about when was their date and place of birth.

The initial seed of patriotism – ERROR 404, NOT FOUND.

Okay! I was a lame kid.

What happened in adulthood – Did I find any connection with my unsown patriotism?

Batsmen in the nets practicing cricket
Nothing comes easy

See, I have massive respect for the people who had and are sacrificing their lives for the country. It scares my brain and chills my spine to think about the person sitting at the country’s border working in a remote location, with no one in their near visible sight. 

At night, I am sitting in front of a laptop, introspecting life and patriotism, and move on to watching Netflix. And people out somewhere are sleeping under the darker sky and brighter stars above their heads, missing families. Yet have to be ready to step out for uncalled circumstances.

There is the police force that has sworn to protect the inside of the country, Diplomats stopping the raging wars, sports personnel shed blood and sweat, and the list of patriots goes on.

After understanding the literal definition of patriotism, if I could synthesize it further, I say – Patriotism is selflessly being a part of a greater good. And this is something I was taught, I know, and I always try to follow.

Focusing on small tiny things in my hands – 

  1. Not throwing garbage on the streets,
  2. Saving water, 
  3. Reduce my plastic use, 
  4. Not harming and standing as an obstacle in my fellow individuals’ life,
  5. Using the knowledge I have gained to make a difference.

Would that make me a patriot?
Not much, but definitely not a traitor.
Being a better citizen is my way of patriotism. It could be for millions of other common people like me, which will make our tiranga proud.

Bathroom issues

Prevail as long as the time exists

Last night while I was watching Koffee with Karan, the guest of the show Sara Ali Khan – a young Indian actress, mentioned -“Shouldn’t you have to squat and pee while using a public restroom. I was taught that it has all germs and is unhygienic…”

Western toilet
Squat and pee – Unpopular slogan

Man, I thought suffering from an unclean bathroom was a very third-world (my) problem, but even celebs had to do that – It got me thinking again (Check my previous thoughts here).

Since the last time I wrote the blog, there wasn’t much change I have experienced with the toilet situation. There will be few problems, and the chances of you facing that problem would be rare, so I understand if such things won’t be addressed.

On average healthy individuals pee six to eight times every day throughout the year, and by every freaking person living in this world. Now that I write this sentence, I realize that maybe we face a problem so frequently that it doesn’t even feel like a problem at all.

Yeah, I have a problem with water droplets (which could be the pee of the previous person or sometimes blood stains left unattended) on the seat of a western toilet… Wait a minute!

Western toilet…..?! 

Why am I even using them when I could safely use the traditional Indian one?
Well, I don’t find any Indian ones anymore – all restrooms are westernized, but why?

Western toilet
Western toilets of rural India – what’s the point?

Self-analyzed reason 1: Foreigners may have issues when they visit India as they are not accustomed to our bathrooms, which could be a reason for these western washrooms.

May I know which foreigner is visiting the malls of the towns and the bus and railway station washrooms. After having a western commode, if all she has to do is squat and pee, then what’s the point in having it?

If we want to comfort the few hundred foreigners who visit India, what about millions of Indians who use it every time.

Try to understand Anusha….!

Self-analyzed reason 2: It is for older people with problems sitting all over to down. It also helps physically challenged people.

Okay! Then have one for them, and the rest could be Indian ones, right?!

Then why are they hard to find?

If all you have to do is flush and forget, why not the Indian ones over the western commodes. At least I can take a leak peacefully, not thinking of million germs that stay on my butt until I take my next shower.

What do you guys think?

Why do we have more western toilets than Indian ones in every public place?
Do comment your opinion.
I shall take this moment to make my readers aware of bathroom etiquettes again.

Point 1: Boys, take your pee in the western commode after lifting the toilet seat. I don’t doubt your aim, but we can’t take chances with hygiene.

Point 2: The toilet seat should be dry so that women can sit properly and pee (Studies show that it could lead to harmful urinary tract infections if you continue to do squatting)

Point 3: If you (boy or girl) wet the seat with your pee, pour water and lift it so it gets dry for subsequent use.

Now I Know

Experiencing the instances of Mahabharatha

Mythologies – did they really happen or not?
Why bother with the answer when the whole point of them was to make you read/listen to it so that you could apply its learnings in real life.

On such epic grandeur- Mahabharatha!
It is such a long story that it has all the kinds of people whom you have ever met or will be meeting.
I have known the characters since I was a kid.
Still, it was always confusing for me to draw a pedigree chart, as everyone is related to everyone holding a backstory of not a few years but since previous life.

The curiosity to understand it better made me listen to Fever FM- HT smart casts podcast of 100 episodes of the Mahabharath last year. I could say the dust on my glass-like brain is more transparent than prior but not the cleanest.

I view it as the most extensive family drama ever written, with plot points turning around power struggles.

Good or bad, I like reasoning the actions. There will be a definite backstory for each action you take, and I logically try to connect dots and make up a story.

When a grownup version of me was trying to understand the Mahabharatha, the above attribute made me question every action that each character made.
Why does the noblest saint, full of knowledge, have anger management issues? Should someone be called noble when he succumbs to the most humanly trait – anger?
And the process goes on!

It hit me a lot harder when Pandavas decided to leave the kingdom with a sense of resentment and walk into the forest for peace. After winning the most outstanding war that had them struggle to kill all the elders they respect and lose some of their loved ones, they choose to leave instead of ruling.

While grieving, they mention even though Duryodhan (against whom the war was by Pandavas) had planned, plotted, and pitched against them since childhood, he was still our brother (cousin) who we killed to win this Hastinapura.
And, it feels like it’s not worth it.
Though I am supportive of everyone’s actions and perspective at this point, I was like – “Dude, that man had made your life a living hell, and you feel bad for him?. Just think about all the bad things he did to you and move on.”
This was my thought until a few days back.

I live in a place of colder winters. I am now seeing a lot of ants during summer (I don’t know the scientific explanation, maybe collecting food for winter). A small grain dropped on the floor, and you could see a trail of ants in the room. Their main center point where they live is at the base of the door of my bathrooms.
As soon as the clicking sound of the door knob is heard, you could see thousands of them emerging out of it as if someone said Go! after all the Avengers assembled.

It was co-existence for both of us for a long time;
later, as if an insulin shot, I was bitten by them at least once a day.
I scratched my feet, causing wound marks, but I still chose a lotion to soften my burning sensation and sometimes water to flush them out of the common area.

One day, ignorant me was standing near the wash basin, cleansing my face, and the sensation of ants crawling started. In a few seconds, I thought I would wash my face, at least the eyes part, and walk away; by the time I looked down, it was like I was attacked by the ant army from all sides. They have managed to crawl up my slippers, ready to shoot my leg any minute.

I left my slippers and ran for my life, stomping my feet hard on the floor to drop off all the ants making way to new territories. We humans tolerate shit or other species only to a certain extent, and that moment was the breaking point for me. The next day when I went grocery shopping, I bought Lakshman Rekha (ant killer) to make ants vanish from my life.

Still, I thought of keeping it as a stand-by plan and not using it immediately.

But that night, while brushing my teeth when an ant bit me, I finally took that out and drew all over the place. When the ants fell back, I thought it was working and went back to sleep.

The following day when I woke up, I could see all ants curled up and died at the base of the door. The amount was so much it felt like I had some dusty red storm.

Massacre of ants was done – PROBLEM solved
Was the peace achieved?

For the next few days (till now), whenever I enter the bathroom, my eyes directly go to the base of the door where previously lived thousands of ants. I was hurt by them, grew intolerant, and was a conscious decision to use repellant, yet I miss seeing them.

If ants could guilt me, and make me question my decision, what it had been for the noble Pandavas after the war is beyond measurable.

Now I know – Experiencing the instances of Mahabharatha.

What the hell was that?

Motivation classes were never my cup of tea. There was always this notion in my head: Why the hell should I listen to you?. It was my stupidity at the start to say so. Still, I firmly believe there will be a difference when you seek motivation and are forced to attend one.

When we try to seek some answer that we don’t know, at least you have clarity on our question. And that will draw you to any person with whom you feel like that woman/man gets you, their words start to make sense, and BAM, there will be some impact in your life.

Today I had to attend a class on CHOICES in LIFE. With age, I brewed sanity and started to give people the benefit of the doubt by not judging them immediately or presumptuously calling all motivational classes trash.
Man, it was tough to sit through. It’s hard to listen to someone when all they speak is against your belief system or thoughts or how you see life. Here are a few instances of disagreement.

The GOD’s plan

The orator highlighted that at any given point in time if you are happy with the life you have means – you are on par with the GOD’s plan. If not, it’s evident that you have deviated from the path.

First of all, what is this GOD’s plan?
If God had made such an effort to prepare 8 billion plans, why didn’t he automate us to execute them instead gave us free will to act?

Secondly, When bad choices are blamed on you/us, why the credit for the good ones is given to God but not you?

Owning up to your mistakes marks a true sense of adulthood and maturity for me. When we create an entity as GOD for all the things happening in our lives, blaming it all on him becomes easier. How will it be a motivation to be better or make a good choice when you are taught about scapegoating?

What is a right choice and a wrong choice?

The entire talk was about how the right choices will pave your way towards a successful, happy life, and a wrong choice could bring you down to failure. Right and wrong are the most subjective and flexible terms, and the orator cared less about them and used them vaguely.

Few situations/choices can be black and white, like smoking cigarettes – it is harmful to health – everyone knows it. However, a person choosing to walk down that road can’t be helped with the above example of stating you will be a failure.
He knows that and needs additional help to differentiate between desires and needs.

But with career decisions, taking a leap of faith, all the problem lies in deciding what is right and wrong as we don’t know the consequences, and it was nowhere dealt with in the talk.

Parents – The ultimate force

Let me clear this out, I have the utmost respect for my parents and everyone out there. I am glad they raised me to be the person I am today and supported me financially with no questions asked and nothing expected.

In a country where honor killing gets printed as news frequently instigating views as ‘Parents – The ultimate force’ is still necessary?

A person with the best of best intentions towards you will undoubtedly be our parents at any given instance. Still, teaching they are never wrong was again questionable.
Come on, guys, they are humans too.

I prefer to convey a message saying, ‘Any hurdles or decisions to make, discuss it with your parents; if they say no, ask them why. If you still think they are wrong, put your points in front’ and Have a healthy discussion.
During this entire discussion period, I am sure they will either get convinced by what you meant or at least you will get clarity on what you are standing for.

When preaching and motivating get mixed up

I don’t know if I am technically qualified to make this statement. To my knowledge, preaching is a way of motivating people. Still, when named a broader term as motivation class, especially for students, it is not the right place to preach.
The technical person of the session involved God numerous times in the talk – I don’t know how correct it is to do such?

I guess I need to end this blog with lots of disclaimers.

All the above content was my views and thoughts, not intended to hurt anyone feeling, and do not convey my disrespect to the orator in any given way.
As I sat through the entire session out, respecting his beliefs, I will do the same if you feel any of my thoughts contradict yours.
My main intention behind writing this blog was: A wrong thought left unquestioned is a subconscious way of accepting it. I know I could question him directly but writing a blog is my way of expression.

Bridesmaid speech

Mommy, I think I have a problem in school. A girl from my class is being rude to me. I don’t know, I don’t like her very much. What should I do?
Mom: Don’t worry. Next time if she behaves the same go complain to your class teacher about her.
Okay, Mommy!

Cut to 13 years, the above innocent girl is getting married, and the rude girl is writing her bridesmaid speech.
Crazy right?

Though this is how she always tells the “HOW WE MET” story, which I agree to disagree with. 
Me being rude?! 
That’s like water free-flowing upstream (at this point, all my school friends will have a good laugh)
Yeah, I was not always on my best behaviour in the past, but I changed (at this point, Rishi (The bride) would be having a good laugh).

My best friend is getting married, guys!
A significant moment and I am happy to be there for her.

On that note, let me share small stories with you.

Story number 1

Well, as a matter of fact, I know that her marriage will turn out good, as she is the most patient and understanding woman any person could ask for.
And why do I know that?
She tolerated me for all these years, and I trained her well.

In our schooling days, on her birthday, I remember how she used to bring me 2 Melody chocolates (just because I love them) but Eclairs or Alphenlible for everyone.
Not only then, whenever she came across, purchased, or gifted by melody, she used to save that for me. 

I sometimes feel blessed how I got such love and attention at an early age.

Story number 2

My experience of not having a boyfriend was duly filled by my best friend.
Wanna Know-how?

I have never requested, pampered, begged, and said as many sorry’s to anyone as I said to her. I know she deserves all the love in the world, and she is very persuasive in getting what she deserves.

As any cheeky teenager, we spoke about what kind of husband we want and what we look for in a life partner. That teenage girl who giggled with me will be a lawfully wedded wife in a few days.

A few moments with any person can be described in a blog or an essay, but what to say when you share a life with them it will be our friendship memoir.

One thing I learned from our relationship and want to tell you is that two people being together is not an easy task. We had our ups and downs; there was a moment I thought she would never talk to me. 
But as soon as I realized there was nothing more important for me – my ego, anger, the fight, urge to prove I was right, nothing mattered.

Only she mattered !!!

And I hope she gets the same love and attention and even better from her partner. As her partner will be her SECOND BEST FRIEND (clear emphasis on the number second, please!)

I always had and I always will


To read more about my love for RISHI – CLICK HERE.


Damm Man! They are tough


A year back, all I wanted was him.
I could only see him once a week, that too for a few minutes. Those were the few good minutes of the entire week, and I would always look forward to that day of the week.

If I caught anyone talking about him, I used to just throw my ears on to it.
Secretly be happy if they say good words and automatically turn off hearing if they were bitching and wonder how people could not like him?

I am sure he knows how I feel about him.
Sometimes, even in the available few minutes, he had to cut me short, but somedays, when I wanted more and asked for it, he made me happy.

After a year of small talks, looking forward to that day of the week, blushing on his thoughts, and being happy to see him, it was time to step forward and be in a relationship.

Now I spend a lot of time with him such that I don’t even have time to think about him because he is always there with me.

It scared me how people fell apart after a few months into the relationship.
Nevertheless, I used to convince myself that I would not be like that. He is my epic love, and epic loves don’t just fade away; they linger on to you forever.

The building of a relationship doesn’t need to be smashed until the last brick to make it fall apart. A small unnoticed crack is enough. It just falls onto the ground like a pack of cards within no time.

One day, I promised him to meet at our regular hangout place.
With an event running by, the street was too crowded.
As I could not reach him through the phone, I was just standing there looking into the crowd.

He was there right in front of me, a few meters away, but my eyes just casually passed through him onto the other. After a while, a thought crossed my mind- ‘A few months back, I was dying to have one glimpse of him, and now I couldn’t even recognize him being there.

It is awful to realize you turned into something you’re always scared to become.
I was the one who always loved with the thought of being in love, and as soon as I get it, I take it for granted.
No way in the hell I can make that happen.
I rushed right into him and hugged him, and it felt like home.
As I said, he is my epic love, and I can’t unlove him, but relations need some time and space to fall in love a little bit every day.
So, I wanted to give it another try in the hope of not falling apart.

After reading all this, I am sure you wanted to know who he is, right?
Well, he is Mr. Potato (Solanum tuberosum)
I stayed in the southern state of India, where I could eat it only once a week, and sometimes I used to get served in fewer quantities, which upset me. Then I used to ask my friends to share and be happy.
Now moved to the northern part of India, I find him in every meal of every day.

Initially, when I saw people separate him from the meal, I thought I could never do that. But, a few days back, while I had aloo-bhindi (potato-lady finger), I noticed the change in me.
As if I was operating in an auto-pilot mode, I started removing potatoes when separating curry leaves and coriander from the curry.
And it hit me hard.
How could I possibly do that to my favorite food?
So, I started working on my relationship with it by stopping to remove it from the meal and trying to eat from time to time in the hope of not falling apart.

Happy Women’s day

To all the men

I love Men.
They have this superpower to make women happy (not only sexually) with simple gestures.

No matter how much self-love is practiced or preached, in the end, we humans, freeking social beings, are attention and appreciation seekers. (I am talking about 80% of people; if you are in the rest 20%, good for you).
When it is from the opposite gender (considering them as opposite poles), that strucks a different nerve.

So to all the dads out there who believe in your daughter’s choices, trying to make her life better, listening to her views, encouraging her to step up the game, ignoring the relative’s interference concerning your daughter’s life – Happy women’s day.

To all the brothers who take their rakshabandhan’s protection oath to action- not by locking her but letting her free, acting as a go to person for all your sister’s problem, standing right by her in orthodox family conversations – Happy women’s day.

Happy women’s day to all the boyfriend’s who know how to treat a girl as an equal in a relationship, who know ‘to love is to let her live’, and who is not exploiting private conversations post break-up.

To all the husbands for making your partner’s life better by sharing the house chores, giving importance to her work life, involving her in the decision-making process, making an effort to understand her needs – Happy women’s day.

I know it sounds like a massive list of things that are basic civic senses.
Firstly I stated them so that men looking for ‘What women want‘ can have few answers. Secondly, in the world of patriarchy, men trying to do better by women need to be acknowledged.

In the podcast of 7 good minutes, Clyde Lee Dennis, in the end, concludes with the statement – “Let be civil to each other.” 
How beautiful are those words, right?
We women don’t need a pedestal, 
We are not some epitome of divinity and other complex words.

So guys out there, please live life and let us live too.
It started as a request, turning into a demand, so don’t drag it till war.

Group of people
Lets be civil to one another – #Peace out

It’s my story

Hello readers,

This time blog is about my short- story. I like to share with you all my latest work now available on Wattpad –“It’s my story.”

short story available in Wattpad
A short story

Story line: A library is a place for intellectuals. Could be right, could be wrong? This is a short story of a college girl and her love for the library, where she found someone to love too.

So, if you are looking for a quick sweet read and walk into a few days of this girl’s life, then be my guest.


Do read and tell me how you felt.

Conditioned Brains

Made me think

I watched this spectacular series called BOLD TYPE that displays modern age feminism, showers light on many aspects that we carefully slide under the carpet (like aspirations of women, exploring sexuality, racial discrimination), and sometimes be delusional as if it is not at all an issue (casual sexism, social media trolls).

Every conversation could teach you something, in the same way, every television series does that too. But you haven’t seen me write about all those., right? This one was special.
Two instances in this series made me realize that – Still, I need to grow as a person or as a woman.

Premise: Two people working in the same company with an age difference of 15 years (Boy (boss)-40 years, girl (assistant job)-25 years) fall in love and try to keep it a secret as dating officially could be risky for their careers.

Girl and Boy both are victims

As the story flows, there comes the point where they want to drift apart as day by day it’s getting difficult to hold the secret, and fear of getting caught lingers around.
The entire episode the girl thinks- I need to make my career on my own, I can’t risk it over a boy. Even though I am talented and hardworking, people claim that I had preferential treatment, and I don’t want to be labeled as such…. and the thoughts go on…

I was like, true, it could happen; she is doing the right thing.
The boy listens to all that and then utters – “Not only you, what do you think happens to me? A mark like that on my resume would trash my career too“.

Boom! True story, though.
Not even for a second, I thought their relationship could impact the boy too.
I guess, even though women are claimed as victims most of the time, our mindset is victimizing them the most.

Bold type: Sutton and Richard
Sutton and Richard

The second stroke, major one though

After a year of tough times, they finally wanted to sail their ship of love and got married. An accidental pregnancy turned into miscarriage made the man realize how badly he wanted to have kids, and the same situation hit the girl differently. A part of her heart was relieved, and she felt like she never wanted to have kids again.

After a few drama episodes, the intense fight starts when the girl confesses to the boy who is super ready to be a dad that she never wants to try. They started digging up all the stuff from the start, and boy (who is most supportive all the time, I must say he is the best) says – ‘You always put your career first and I am one who always adjusts and tag along.’

Seeing the drama from the seasons, I accepted what the man just said. He really did everything to save the relationship, and I thought it was time that girl also had to come around.

Then she says – “I am 26, boy. It is the time to focus on my career. Didn’t you do the same at that time?”

Damm! It hit me hard.
I was okay with the thought of a boy not wanting to be a parent at an early age, but it felt too much for me when a girl was saying it.
Double standards, right?

No matter how regressive my thoughts are, I am happy to realize that what I am thinking is wrong. Acceptance of mistakes could be the journey towards progress.
Better late than never, right?

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