Things I had to do to get to you!

SRF – entrance exam It’s always tough when you are evaluated, and exams in a student’s life are not passing but a constantly chasing cloud.You know why it is challenging; after evaluation, you will be labeled, and you tend to believe it is your worth price. The more marks, the more you are valued.Competitive examsContinue reading “Things I had to do to get to you!”

TNAU in reality

Bursting the bubble DISCLAIMER1. All the content mentioned below will be based on my experience in TNAU, Coimbatore from 2019 to 2021(Now). 2. This blog is not intended to hurt any person or institution’s feelings or demoralize it. 3. Target group is Masters and Ph.D. students so, Undergrads (if any) checkout my other blogs. OfContinue reading “TNAU in reality”

Why EXTENSION is looked down

Agriculture stands tall on 3 pillars – Research, Extension ,and Education. When I say pillar, you may definitely understand its importance. Let me give a little introduction – In agriculture education, we have subjects like – Agronomy, Genetics, Pathology, Economics, EXTENSION ,etc., Extension is a kind of subject which need to be TAUGHT and PRACTICED!Continue reading “Why EXTENSION is looked down”

Agriculture – How it all got STARTED

Agriculture for amateurs- Part 1 Samira is here with some agriculture stuff , do read it and enjoy! On checking the history, we have our roots starting at 7500 B.C, where we began Domestication (sheep and goats). Just like “knowledge on fire control” (0.5 million years ago), another path-breaking event would be the “Invention ofContinue reading “Agriculture – How it all got STARTED”

Agriculture for Amateurs

Agriculture was and is the backbone of our nation. Reason to start this– After completing my degree, I kind of felt proud in doing it but most of people around me don’t know about agriculture, the actual problems, what is the role of graduates. Its time to know about the food you enjoy, its theContinue reading “Agriculture for Amateurs”

Things you should know before taking up the AGRICULTURE Degree

After completing my B.Sc. Ag with the little knowledge and a greater experience I have, penning down this article. Hope this is helpful for the freshers, refreshing the thoughts of others who have been through it. 1.A job is ready for you is a MYTH Whenever you mention that you are going to pursue theContinue reading “Things you should know before taking up the AGRICULTURE Degree”

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