School of thoughts — Conflict?!

Currently, I am reading ‘The Art of Living‘ by the Roman times philosopher Epictetus from 55 CE. The translator, Sharon Lebell, finds his philosophy relevant to modern times and presents it as a gist of instructions on ‘How to handle life.’ I consume self-help books at a slow pace. So, reading 2 to 3 pagesContinue reading “School of thoughts — Conflict?!”

Dear MEN!!

It was a calm, sunny day when the radio played advertisements while I was packing my school bag. Reading this description, do not take your thoughts back to the ’70s; it’s happening in the 2000s, and we relied on the radio as our TV has yet to shift from our hometown to this new placeContinue reading “Dear MEN!!”

Love and Death

Random thoughts Aren’t love and death strange concepts! We human beings, let me correct selfishly- beings, find comfort in our loved ones’ presence that we put our guard down. We love someone to the extent that their happiness becomes yours to enjoy and to console them in their sadness, a responsibility. I recently watched AContinue reading “Love and Death”

Black and White became GREY

Cyberbullying A few days back, I was scrolling through Instagram and came across the recent post of a famous Telugu anchor. She was having the time of her life with her family on a beach and was very generous to share glimpses with her followers. On any day, I would just swipe up and moveContinue reading “Black and White became GREY”

Hyderabadreads – a new community to be a part of

In a busy, fast-paced world, we look for different activities that make us take a beat, pause, enjoy the moment, and move forward. I was randomly scrolling Instagram when I saw a reel from Cubbonreads that showcased how people in Banglore come together in the mornings on Sunday for a few hours to enjoy aContinue reading “Hyderabadreads – a new community to be a part of”

Preeti – The most misunderstood character

(Arjun Reddy / Kabir Singh) When I first saw the film, I am sorry, Preeti, all my eyes were on Arjun, just like you. It was when the reviewers pointed out that you were such a dumb character I started to understand you. They said – 30 mins into the movie, you didn’t utter aContinue reading “Preeti – The most misunderstood character”

A tale as old as time

Storytime It was a festive occasion, and a gathering was planned nearby.Permission for girls always comes at the last minute and lasts only a few minutes.So everyone from the hostel rushed as soon as they could. We Indians never miss a moment to break into a dance, and our young blood definitely knows how toContinue reading “A tale as old as time”

Coorg via Banglore

Trip of the year with my gangster girls It’s a lengthy blog, so I want to navigate my readers through it. Let me divide this blog into 3 parts. Go to the respective title, which interests, that could save you the problem. If you choose to read from the start, I would say ‘good decision.’ Continue reading “Coorg via Banglore”

Getting HIGH on adrenaline

The moments of adrenaline make a mark on your brain. Makes you feel alive and builds core memories, and here are my recent adrenaline encounters on account of Intercollege competitions. Taking chances There are still 4 days to get back to campus after the Diwali vacation, and I got the information about the badminton selections.Continue reading “Getting HIGH on adrenaline”

First step towards making earth a better place

My plastic upcycling story!! I believe – Everything we do, the way we do, is all taught to us, or at least we see the most nearby example and learn. There is nothing innately generated, and social work is no exception. Growing up in a middle-class family, we believe that we don’t have anything more significantContinue reading “First step towards making earth a better place”

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