Love and Death

Random thoughts

Aren’t love and death strange concepts!

We human beings, let me correct selfishly- beings, find comfort in our loved ones’ presence that we put our guard down. We love someone to the extent that their happiness becomes yours to enjoy and to console them in their sadness, a responsibility.

I recently watched A Man Called Otto (movie) and After Life (series), where the main leads lost their partner after sharing 25-plus years together. Their loss was so personal that they didn’t feel they had any purpose to live without them. Full-grown adults, when they felt lost, thought that suicide was the only way out of the pain they go through on a daily basis.

Disclaimer: I am not encouraging their thoughts, neither do they, so bear with me and read the following lines.

After multiple failed attempts, they realized the time they spent with their partner and the memories they built were worth living until their time on earth.

Old couple making memories
Old couple making memories

Coming to terms with such a significant loss is very difficult. And I always wonder how my grandmother handled it. They were married for 60 freaking years, and suddenly one morning, my grandfather was taken to the hospital after a fall, and that’s it.

All these years, they used to start their day very early, by 4:30am, with a sip of coffee and talked about the entire world – from politics to family drama. When my grandmother got busy with daily chores, he called her when it was time for her favorite serial. Having lunch together, then napping, later in the evening, standing on the verandah checking traffic accompanied by many chit-chats. A calm dinner followed by allocating respective tablets marks the end of the day. This was done in repeat mode every day since I knew them.

They are the ones who saw the most difficult times together, but I never heard them yelling at each other. I can barely imagine what it would have been like for her to lose him. I feel bad that I was not mature/adult enough to have a conversation with her or comfort her in any tiny way.

People say that the definition of love changes with age and experiences. Right now, for me, it is to make as many memories as possible, experience life together, appreciate their presence, steal a kiss, and get into a hug whenever possible.

Because in the end, it’s the memories we gonna hold on to and cherish!

Published by Anusha Velamuri

In my blogs, you can find short stories, life experiences, realizations, and, most importantly, a positive approach to life.

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