Annamayya – Rewatch

Classical Telugu movie – early age Biopic of Annamcharya

Instead of using the term re-watch, it could be said as a first proper watch. 

Wow! Just now, while writing this sentence, I realized that this movie ‘Annamayya’ was made in 1997, which is my birth year too.

In the process of sorting my life, I have recently deleted/signed out of my Netflix, Amazon, and Hotstar accounts. But on such long and lonely weekends, I had to rely on some source of entertainment, which made me choose Youtube. 

With the trend of premiering cult classics Telugu movies in theatres, I had this tremendous urge to watch the Jalsa movie yesterday. Today craziness went to another level, so I decided to watch Annamayya.

100 days poster of the movie Annamayya
Annamayya: The movie

There was no intent to write any blog while that decision was made. But, when a few cords struck, the blogger in me awakened; as a result, you got to have a peek inside my brain and read my thoughts.

Is Monogamy (single partner only) a root cause of jealousy?

Premise: In the movie, Annamayya will be in a relationship with his uncle’s daughters (2). Some time into the film, all three are in a song – giggling, dancing, and romancing.

Man! That’s crazy. Watching them so happy as such, I just went beyond the movie and questioned- How that woman is delighted when her partner is getting romantic with the other woman right in front of her. Isn’t she jealous?

I read that in the olden days, we were polygamous (multiple partners), and to re-assure that we also have a few Indian Gods with two wives.

I would be jealous, hurt, and walk out of the relationship as my partner prioritizes someone else. He does not love me back the way I love him.

Wait a minute, is it called LOVE when I expect something in return? Maybe she is the one who knows what true love is, showering without conditions.
At this point, I realized how Monogamy is rooted in my nerve. and who taught me this – Society???! (I need to think on this)

SPB – One-man show

As this was a long movie, and I watched it earlier, the audio would be enough to give me an idea of what the screenplay is going on. So I took my speaker with me and did my chores listening to the movie. Man, SPB voice is the unmentioned lead character of the film.

In a runtime of two hours twenty-seven minutes (147 minutes), songs occupy 65 minutes (What the holy hell moment), sung mainly by one and only man, SPB. Whenever I think of SPB, I remember my mom saying about him. I quote ‘ Background songs ante SPB” – translation – He could be used as a synonym to the term background songs meaning no one can beat him in doing better with a background song.

As if the job was not done excelling in the song category, he impresses you with the dubbing of Lord Vishnu’s character, played by actor Suman.

A lot of new terms

Watching traditional old classic movies, you get to know a few new terms of your very own mother tongue. In a certain way, I liked the concept of movies, even more today, as they can document and present the way of life of an era.

Few terms: Agamyagocharam – Confused stage, Aalinganalu – Hug, Lulupu – slight anger (correct me if I am wrong)

Left with Aww

There is no marriage in two Telugu-speaking states where the bride enters the ceremony without this song “Pidikita talambrala pendlikoothuru”

Mark my words and also this is something my mom also says constantly

As soon as the song came up in the film, I was like Man! Annamacharya, you wrote this song. Four to five centuries passed, and it’s still around the corner. What a fantastic piece of work, right? (timeless).

Few other songs, ‘Brahman okate para brahman okkate’, ‘Jo achutananda jo jo Mukunda‘ (a sleep-time song must be sung by every mom to their babies), ‘Vinnapalu Vinna vela vintha vintha lu‘..and many more of just 32,000 songs he wrote.

Annamcharya: The great devotee
Annamcharya: The great devotee

Here I am, who gets tired after working for a few hours straight. Well, that would be the story of some other blog.

My laugh moment

Premise: Annamayya is a regular boy next door who cares for his parents and loves his beautiful girlfriends. After a moment, when Lord Vishnu decides it’s time for him to start his spiritual journey, he takes him to the real, utmost beauty in the world, which is the idol of Lord Vishnu. With overwhelmed feelings, he just faints in the temple.

Suffering from fever for the next few days, he wakes up. The next minute, he starts singing songs about his dream about god and just gets detached from this world, which worries his parents.

I was like, man, they have every right to be worried. Imagine I wake up tomorrow and start singing songs like him, my mom would go crazy, and we would both be joined at the asylum.

Overall, it felt nice. Lately in my life, I have been listening to a few podcasts about history. They rigorously mention how documentation of activities started in the past 10,000 years, but the earth existed for a million years before it. We don’t know anything about the way of life before, and archeologists delve into this all their lives. This piece of work as a movie could stay and educate people like us about the remarkable life of Annamacharya for many more years coming.

Published by Anusha Velamuri

In my blogs, you can find short stories, life experiences, realizations, and, most importantly, a positive approach to life.

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