Realization from Goa trip

Goa beach

Goa is a dream trip for all the bachelors who are reading this blog and a few aged ones who made plans in their bachelor days and still take some time to plan but never make it.

Ya, Goa is cursed in a way, I guess,
Elders say – ‘A certain pilgrim place needs to call us, to witness its divinity,’
I guess the same goes with Goa too.
This place holds some magic and charms everyone in its own way yet makes you feel it’s your way of life.

Luckily things fell perfectly into the places for me. The plan, which was made for the first time, got approved after a week of discussion, amidst covid and being an ‘All-girls trip’ to notoriously famous GOA.

The plan’s success does not lie in the planner’s hands or the participants; it’s the parents who get half of the credit who set aside their fears and allowed us to go. Followed by the extended family, swooping another half of the credit who didn’t fill our parent’s ears, scare them and push back their fears on them.

And then, just like the sunshine, we four girls made our way to the most fabulous vacation of our lives.

After reading the title, you may wonder Realizations that too in Goa
Lord Buddha got his enlightenment in Gaya, Since when Goa is doing that,
Well, it hit me in a different way.

Helping hands

I knew Goa has a floating population, but I didn’t know half of the Telugu-speaking people will be found floating over there. It was nice to instantly connect with people only based on some language we speak.
When we are in a good space, we meet healthy people, and that’s what happened to us.
Not only them, everywhere we could connect with some people, from shouting Jai Balayya in a random shack to holding hands in the infinite ocean, showed me glimpses of compassion that I never experienced.

It made me think

With this covid lockdown, we all stayed home; I attended my college work and often read articles about how this shutdown could hit the tourism industry.

As soon as I read this, the only people who came into my mind were the people owning hotels, and I used to think if people could own a hotel, they might possibly have enough money to survive this.

But Goa, as a tourist destination, feeds so many people. It’s not the suffering of just hotels and resorts; there are thousands of people who make money on the beach only by selling stuff such as phone pouches colorful lights and encash their skill by braiding tourists.

After I visited Goa, I felt damm how could this place has survived the lockdown ?
It strengthened my feeling that life is not easy for someone in this lockdown.

Unexpected one

To all the people who read my blogs, mostly my friends, think of me as a bold, strong-minded, outspoken one. There is nothing wrong, and I am unapologetic about it as I showcase myself to the outside world. Over time I practiced being like that.

The first two days of my Goa trip, where I was mostly on land, I was the strongest than ever; the third day, when I walked into Doodsagar while walking on stones, it’s when it all started to go upside down.

The thought of me slipping on those stones and getting hurt was haunting me, and once I stepped into the water, I guess in those 2 hours, I said 200 times that please hold me or else I will die, and I was constantly checking on my cousin as I didn’t want to lose sight of her. The next day being in the middle of the ocean scared me.

I assure you it literally scared the shit out of me (definitely not a figurative one, thanks to the toilet available on the boat).

As humans, we all are scared of death, but I never realized I would be that vulnerable in water, and this realization made me weaker than ever. I don’t know how precisely to put how I feel, but I sense I felt less confident than I was after the Goa trip.

The fact that I am so scared may be scared me, I guess.

But all the readers, who are mostly y friends, also know that I am the most optimistic person. I will be working back on my confidence, and who knows, I can come back stronger than ever.

That’s it from my Goa trip.
I am happy that this trip happened, which actually gave me a few good display pictures for the rest of the year, I thought. But, my cousin’s marriage is popping up, so it will be time for another trip and lots of memories and experiences.

Published by Anusha Velamuri

In my blogs, you can find short stories, life experiences, realizations, and, most importantly, a positive approach to life.

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