Sanctum Sanctorum

Wondered by the title’s words, feel free to Google it or read out till the end and find out.

Sometimes you resist the change (or) hate to fall in love with someone or something; scared to even think about it in your dream,
yet, the mother universe work in a mysterious way to make the inevitable happen.

Let me share with you a short story – How and When, most importantly, with whom it happened?

I heard people saying – that he has an extraordinary influence on the people. Once you start liking him, it may redefine you. 

I believe that – “if change happens to you because of some external stimuli, it will be nothing but a pseudo-metamorphosis” that won’t last long like a change that started within (internal).

Knowing that I should cross his path someday or the other, I tried all the ways possible to stay away from him.

As a typical college student, What do you think I did– Started mocking whosoever spend some time with him that too regularly.

Initially, it was fun, but soon I wondered – am I pushing him away so bad that I am scared to find my true self.

Here’s when Universe came into the act – In my final year, I closely associated with him to finish my assignments and project works. Within a very short time, we connected at a personal level.

Want to know when it got all special – It was the day when I had worked my ass out under the warm sun, walked few kilometers to finish some challenging tasks.
Once this was all done, where I ended up as tired as hell, the first thought that ran through my brain is to walk up to him, which will put me at ease.

The cold breeze all around him was nothing like I felt before. 

Finally, the change that I was scared to have was happening, but having spent some time with him, the fear transformed into comfort, which I want to embrace with all my heart.

I presumed the change as an EXTERNAL one was not true; instead, it is deeply an internal one that will remain with me forever.

He gave me confidence that I can be focused and dedicated towards my work while having fun.

You guys may be thinking about how I got so lucky to find a man like this, but sorry to break this to you. It was actually my love towards LIBRARY described so far.

A place filled with divinity

First three and half years of my college life, I stepped into it only to collect NON-DUE as part of the registration process. But in the final semester, I spent so much time brought me at peace.

I fell in love with the library of PJTSAU so madly that I find the divinity in that place.

Thereby refer it as SANCTUM SANTORUM – the holy of holies in the temple (for laymen – the innermost area where God’s idol is worshiped).


Published by Anusha Velamuri

In my blogs, you can find short stories, life experiences, realizations, and, most importantly, a positive approach to life.

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